
Friday, October 7, 2011

Friendship Wishes

One of the good things about having so few girls in fifth grade is that we can easily fit all 13 at once for girls' group time. Each of the girls anonymously shared a friendship wish for this year, and have been making "Our Friendship Wishes" posters for their classrooms and the counseling office.

Here are their wishes:
  • to be friends with some of the new kids
  • to make a lot of friends
  • to play with all of my friends this year
  • to have more friends
  • to make a new friend
  • to be with everyone in 5th grade
  • to meet a good friend
  • to make more friends than last year
  • to make lots of friends this year
  • to get my best friend back
  • that all my friends do not get bullied by other people
  • to get along with everyone
  • to make a ton of friends

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