
Monday, January 7, 2013

First Graders Finish I-Care Cat Unit

Well, it's been quite a while since the school counselors have had time to blog. 2012 turned out to be a very busy year! We are in the process of catching up on posting, so in the meantime, we thought we would share some letters that have gone home so far this year for various grades with some examples of completed work. 

First up: 1st grade! Unfortunately, I didn't remember to photocopy any examples of the first graders I-Care-Cat books, but hopefully if you are a first grade parent, you saw them when they came home with this letter way back on November 14th.

Dear First Grade parent(s)/guardian(s),

I hope the beginning of the school year has been great for you and your child. I have really been enjoying getting to know all of them and work with them to improve their skills. I have seen every child during class council lessons once a week in their classroom, most children in small lunch groups, and some children individually, based on their needs.

In class council, we are just finishing up our I-Care-Cat unit. During the past few weeks, the first graders have met the I-Care-Cat puppet, learned his five rules, and created a book to help them remember the rules. The students should have brought their books home with this letter. You can ask them to explain what each rules means, and how it helps make them a better friend. The rules are:

1)      We Listen to Each Other
2)      Hands are for Helping
3)      We Use I-Care Language
4)      We Care About Each Others’ Feelings
5)      We are Responsible for What We Say and Do

If you can help to reinforce these ideas at home, that would be very helpful. The children all have this language now and can be prompted to remember, “Which I-Care-Cat rule should you be following right now?”

Please feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns about your child via email (listed below) or phone at the school number. I look forward to working closely with you and your children. Thank you!

                                                                                    Amy Wheeler
                                                                                    School Counselor, Grades 1, 3 and 5

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