
Monday, January 7, 2013

3rd Graders and the Unthinkables

The third graders worked VERY hard to create their own Unthinkables. Check out the drawings below and at the bottom of the post, a letter sent home to the parents explains what the Unthinkables are. Also included: Miss Wheeler's holiday door decoration: What Would the Unthinkables Want for Christmas? The 3rd and 5th graders brainstormed all of the ideas and created all of the "gifts."
3rd Grade New Unthinkables:

Silly Willy: Makes you silly at inappropriate times
 Rotten Ralph: Makes you not want to brush your teeth
 Mat Man: Makes you act like a doormat
Icee Iguana: Makes you pretend to be sick so you can stay home from school
Candy Eater: Makes you eat too much candy
 Music Box: Makes you hum or sign at inappropriate times
Funny Funster: Makes you make jokes at inappropriate times
Bored Billy: Makes you bored during class
Sleepy Me: Makes you fall asleep in math class
Beauty Judy: Makes you only focused on your looks
And those are just a few!

Here is the letter that was sent home:

December 11, 2012
Dear parent(s)/guardian(s),

As we are nearing the end of 2012 and approaching the beginning of 2013, I just wanted to give you an update on the class council lessons that I have been teaching in 3rd grade so far this year.

We started off the school year identifying and noticing expected and unexpected behaviors. Using Social Thinking curriculum, we have considered how our behavior affects how others think and feel about us. Most importantly, the students have learned that they can change how other people think and feel about them by changing their own behavior.

For instance, at school a teacher might say, “It is unexpected for you to be talking to your friend while I am teaching. I am feeling uncomfortable because it seems like you are not listening to what I am saying. If you can be quiet while I am talking, I will know you are doing your best to listen and learn.” This language could be used at home as well, if you are interested in utilizing it.

Each child also identified at least one unexpected behavior that they sometimes do and created an Unthinkable to go along with that behavior.  The students learned that the Team of Unthinkables are imaginary characters that get in your brain and try to take control of your thinking. Superflex is the superhero who provides kids with strategies to “defeat” their Unthinkables.

For instance, DOF (Destroyer of Fun) makes people too competitive. A Superflex strategy to defeat DOF is to tell yourself, “If I stay calm and remind myself, ‘It’s just a game,’ then people will think I am a good sport and will want to play with me again.” The 3rd graders were very creative and together thought of over 40 NEW Unthinkables that you can see displayed on a bulletin board near the front lobby.

After we return from the holiday break, we will begin a unit on conflict resolution. If you have any questions or concerns about your student, please feel free to contact me anytime either at the school phone number or by email ( I am really enjoying getting to know your children; they are a great bunch! 

Amy Wheeler
School Counselor, Grades 1, 3 and 5

Unthinkables Door Decoration:


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