
Monday, January 7, 2013

5th Grade Class Council

In 5th grade, we have finished two units: Bullying, and Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention. Check out the letter below explaining these two units, and then admire the “Thankful Wreath” some of the 5th grade girls made for Miss Wheeler during their “Girls Get the Message” group run by Girls, Inc. of New Hampshire.

November 26, 2012

Dear parents(s)/guardian(s) of 5th grade students,

I hope you all had an enjoyable holiday break and were able to spend time with friends and family. I wanted to take this time to give you an update on the class council lessons that I have been teaching in 5th grade so far this year.

The 5th graders just finished up an extensive unit on bullying prevention. They reviewed how to identify bullying situations and recognize that bullying is dangerous and harmful; therefore, they know an adult must be told when they experience or witness bullying. Students also identified reasons people might bully and what it might feel like to be bullied about differences. Perhaps most importantly, they identified strategies to protect themselves from bullying and help others who are being bullied. Cyber safety was also addressed in this unit. If you or your student have any concerns about bullying, please do not hesitate to contact the school.

Now that we have finished up our bullying unit, we are moving on to drug and alcohol abuse prevention. Through the use of age-appropriate videos and research-based curriculum, students will develop a basic understanding of the dangerous and harmful effects that drugs and alcohol can have on the brain and body. They will identify reasons people may use drugs and alcohol and understand the consequences of decisions related to drug and alcohol abuse. Students will also learn about peer pressure and identify strategies to deflect this pressure. Finally, students will apply effective problem-solving and decision-making skills in order to make safe and healthy choices.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me anytime either at the school phone number or by email ( I am really enjoying getting to know your children; the 5th graders are a very smart and creative group!

Amy Wheeler 
School Counselor, Grades 1, 3 and 5

"Thankful Wreath"

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